10,145 Positives in 4,340 Bengaluru State – Kannada Prabha

Source : Online Desk

Bangalore: Coronavirus continues to spread in the state, with a record positive of 10,145 people today, increasing the number to 6,40,661.

67 people have been killed in the state in the last 24 hours due to coronavirus. The number of deaths due to infection has risen to 9,286 in the state, the Department of Health and Family Welfare said.

Today, a total of 4,340 new cases have been reported in one city in Bangalore, with the number of infected people in Silicon City rising to 2,50,040.

Today 8,989 people have been discharged from the hospital and the number of those who have been cured has risen to 5,15,782. A total of 1,15,574 people are being treated at prescribed Kovid hospitals.


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