India’s power in the software sector is well known to the entire world, but now in the current age of the digital world, India must develop its strong capabilities in the field of hardware as the role of hardware technology in data management and data management is very important. The Data Protection Bill Parliamentary Committee Chairman and Bharatiya Janata Party MP Meenakshi Pandi made the announcement on Saturday.
A comprehensive bill is needed to protect and protect data
Lekhi noted that the vast amount of data being used today and the need for a comprehensive bill to protect and preserve data in the face of large scale use. That said, new technologies are being invented today. Whether it is Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT) or Cloud Computing, data security is imperative.
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The proposed data protection bill will prove very useful for the present time.
He said corruption and fraud in data management and communication would be a huge blow to democratic values. If this happens, the free and swatch election could damage the election. He said the proposed data protection bill could prove very useful for the current digital ‘war time’.