Mumbai: Aly Goni and Rahul Vaidya have been named as the new Jai-Veer of Bigg Boss house. Whatever the situation, they always stand up for one another. Whether fighting for Rahul during leadership roles or taking care of Rahul Ali when Jasmine Bhasin leaves, the two always support each other.
Well, in the latest “Lock Out” act, “Bigg Boss 14” divided the housemates into two groups, and Ally and Rahul were in a team. During the action, Rahul got into an altercation with Rubina Dilaik. If Ally always let his friends fight their own battle, this time he jumped at the sight of Abhinav Shukla pushing his friend.
He kept saying, “You can’t push him,” and things got worse when he pushed Abhinav Aly at one point. With this series going on tomorrow, it will be interesting to see how Rahul and Aly’s fan-nickname Rally makes it back to Rubina and Abhinav. Also, “Bigg Boss” is never accepted as a physical at home, so let’s see if host Salman Khan talks about this in the Weekend Ka War episode.
In the previous episode, we saw “Big Boss” take rations away from competitors and offer them only a limited amount of rice, flour, etc. They also organize the task of asking housemates to choose a doll of competitors that they think violates most of the rules at home. Aly was saved in action and, as a reward, he was allowed to pick up eight food items from the mall. Although Aly yearned for coffee, she opted for tea because most housemates are tea drinkers.
If this doesn’t tell you that he is a merciful and compassionate man, nothing will happen, and we can’t wait to see more of “Share” Aly.