Bigg Boss 14 contestant Sonali Phogat was in the news last week for allegedly abusing and quarreling with fellow contestants Rubina Dilaik and Nikki Tamboli. Salman Khan, the host of Haryana’s political leader, has been accused of using words. He is accused of unnecessarily quarreling with others and creating a fake love angle to sustain nominations. And now in an exclusive interview with E Times TV, Sonali’s friend Sudhir Sangwan has made a shocking statement and revealed that his feelings about Aly Goni are fake and just for the game. He brawled against Aly Goni and Arshi Khan for brainwashing Sonali.
“Sonali Ji is playing a good game no matter what she does. She was performing well last week. Rahul is also involved but he still maintains some dignity. Rahul can see something in Aly’s puppet and Arshi Khan’s ready to show. She is a G and Aly Goni.After all the time, she has developed a rapport with Sonali Ji and a group has been formed. She also listens to her and most of her time, ”Sudhir said.
Sudhir blames Arshi Khan and says she is the one who created this fake love angle between Aly Goni and Sonali. “The creator of this Love Angle is Arshi and Rahul playing the role of a physician. If she did not provoke Sonali Ji, she would not be so loud and aggressive. It is impossible for her on national television, but all these things happened with Sonali ji and Arshi Khan, Aly Goni. Arsi’s bad behavior and behavior rubbed off on Sonali ji.
Sudhir is happy that Sonali has re-enacted and realizes that she is going wrong. She shared that she was a puppet of Arshi, Rahul and Aly Goni until last week, “Now, I am happy that she is stable and understands that these things are not working in her favor. She has been playing well for the last two to three days. She found the elements and the strengths and then they started using her to her advantage. Influenced her, ”he said.
Sudhir dismisses the love angle between Aly Goni and Sonali Phogat and says that this is his strategy for the game. “Sonaliji is not attracted to Aly Goni and I strongly believe that she does all this for the game. There is no love angle and it is only a game because it is nominations Sonali ji represents the National Party, why she does this.Rakhi is creating her own angle of love, so these people even suggested Sonalji to do something like this.
Jasmin was expelled and Aly Goni imagined that the biggest outbreak occurred and an hour later. Sonali Ji says that she likes Aly Goni.All this was planned.Arshi is afraid that she is going to be a strong contender and Sonali can go ahead in the game, so she tried to brainwash her.He changed her course. Not known. Lately, Aly Goni has had a good time with her feelings, people will like it and she shouldn’t be the other about negative comments. She shouldn’t even bother about her political career. Sonology wants to play his game but he insists on talking about it. Arshi and Ally are always discussing Love Angle. Sometimes, even Rahul does it. When she is not, she is mocking behind her back and this creates a negative image of her, ”she revealed.
Aly Goni thinks Rahul is ruining the doctor’s game and that Rahul, like Jasmin Bhasin, will be out of the show if she doesn’t stop asking, “I pray no one but Sonali and Rubina. I think Sonali Ji’s brain needs to be used and the things she does, she should avoid doing it. Sonali is a strong woman and she doesn’t need anyone’s support. She tries to portray people like Nikki Tamboli but the girl stays on the show for 106 days and it is she She’s playing her personal game, she does whatever she says, she’s not like Arshi and Aly; she’s survived because of the crowds. Ally came for Jasmin and she’s out of the game and he’s still there. Now, he’s ruining Rahul’s game. Du Aly’s intention is that he doesn’t care about relationships or who is insulted, “he said.
Sudhir feels there is no match between Sonali and Aly Goni and she can never have feelings for him. “If Aly Goni is a true friend of Sonali, he should guide her if there is any love affair between her for the game, it is not right for her family, daughter and political associates. They take advice from him and they mislead her, ”he concludes.