Archana and Sujithra made a wild card entry as the Big Boss Season 4 show started last August with 16 contestants. This will be followed by nominations by fellow contestants each week and those with the lowest number of votes will be eliminated. Accordingly so far Rekha, Velmurugan, Sujithra, Suresh, Samyukta, Sanam, Nisha, Ramesh, Archana, Anita and Aajeedh have left. Currently there are 7 people including Aari, Rio, Balaji, Som, Ramya, Shivani and KP.
The show has seemed a bit unfocused in recent episodes, however; At this point in the first promo released this morning, the last nomination process for the Big Boss show is taking place today as an open nomination. The full details will be revealed in today’s show as Aari and Balaji have been confirmed for this week’s nomination. In the second promo that follows, Aari and KP sit alone and talk. Speaking of Rio then, Aari gives a scare, i.e. scare.
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Do you know what people would ask me if you told me like this? He says. I just said you didn’t come to the place where everyone was playing together. But for that I have worked one hundred percent, you do not see the labor, pulls everything as a child. I was eagerly playing when Aari’s baby arrived. But he creates a kind of hatred. There are scenes where Rio says that he is very angry with me for some of the words he said.
With this in mind the start of this week’s “Ticket to Finale” task on the Big Boss show seems to be in the third promo released today. It is noteworthy that those who win the “Ticket to Finale” task will directly qualify for the final round. Mugen, who won this task last season, was directly selected for the finals and won. In that sense the expectation of who will win this task this season has increased. In the promo released on this, this task takes place in each part.
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In one of the tasks, you have to hold the water filled balloon in your hand, below which is the pin platform. You have to hold the weighted balloon in one hand without hitting the platform. There are only Balaji and Rio at the end to appear as Shivani, Ramya, KP, Aari, Som each. Expectations have risen as to which of these will win. Big Boss announces that those who succeed throughout this task and get the highest marks will be removed from the list in the nomination and go straight to the finals. So expect today’s show to be enjoyable.