Actress Sara Ali Khan is spending time in Delhi NCR with the shooting of her upcoming film Atrangi Re. Akshay Kumar and Dhanush are the main characters in the film and for the past few days, all the actors have been busy shooting the film. In the meantime, Sarah has been sharing goofy updates from movie sets and, more recently, she shared a cute boomerang where she became a tea vendor serving tea to beat the winter.
Taking to her Instagram story, Sarah shared a photo of herself posing with Atrangi Re director Anand L Roi as Chai took a break on his way to the sets. In the photo, Sara is seen wearing a white suit as she poses next to the director. The two appear to be holding a hot cup of tea in their hands. Not only that, Sarah also shared a goofy boomerang video about her story where she took herself to a tea shop and poured herself a hot cup of tea.
Sharing the same, Sarah put a gif on it. It is written “Tum garam chai ki paali ho”. The Delhi winter actress is sharing a photo and video of her during the filming of the film.
Meanwhile, on Monday, Sara shared a photo of her co-star Akshay Kumar dressed as a Mughal emperor at the Taj Mahal in Agra on the day of the film. The gorgeous star called him ‘Atrangi’ because he gave a subtle glimpse of his offbeat incarnation from the movie. The film is helmed by Anand L Roi and produced by Bhushan Kumar. Initially, it was announced for release on February 12, 2021.