A total of 18 contestants participated in the 4th season of Big Boss Tamil, which will be telecast from October 4. Shivani Narayanan was eliminated as the 12th contestant yesterday. Out of the remaining 6, Aari, Balaji, Som, KP, Ramya Pandian and Rio will win the title.
The anticipation of who will win the title has aroused in the Big Boss audience, and their prediction is that Ari is more likely to be the winner. Also Read Bigg Boss Tamil 4: Shivani Narayanan gets evicted from the Kamal Haasan hosted show
Competitors including Archana, Rekha, Aranthangi Nisha and Jithan Ramesh have returned to the Big Boss house today. It has been released as a promo video by Vijay TV. In it, Aari and Ramya Pandian, among others, are delighted to see people who are already evicted as the kitchen and confessional room of the house. Thus the Big Boss Weed is in celebration. Also Read Bigg Boss Tamil 4: housemates talks about what will they take and give up after eviction
Meanwhile, Aari and Balaji, who have been rats and cats at home for more than 90 days, have been talking to each other since last week, and viewers see the major change that has taken place this season. The same thing actor Kamal Haasan proudly said over the weekend.
It remains to be seen who will be the winner in the 4th season as Big Boss is the winner in the first season, Ritvika in the second season and Mugen Rao in the third. Also Read Bigg Boss Tamil 4 11th January 2021 Voting Results Today Live Updates Rio in Week 15 Finale Voting?