Candidates await the release of the REET 2020 Notification, with a voice on social media

REAT 2020: Candidates are eagerly waiting for the release of the REAT 2020 notification for the recruitment of 31000 teachers in Rajasthan. Meanwhile, candidates are raising a voice on social media to release REET notifications quickly. Using the hashtag {# reet2020_noticification_ continue_care., Students were urged to release notifications quickly. At the same time, some students are opposed to adding BAD pass candidates to the REET First Level (REET 1ST level). These candidates say that only those who have BSTC (Predeled) should join the writ first. In this regard, a user named Raunak Chaudhary appealed to his colleagues to reach Jaipur on December 28.

However, Rajasthan Education Minister Govind Singh Dotasara recently told the media that the Department of Education is preparing to issue a Rajasthan REIT notification soon. The Wright 2020 notification is expected to be released next week (by the end of December).

Reit 2020

The number of vacancies may increase-
Recently, Rajasthan Department of Education has added more posts under Level-1 in some primary schools, so the number of primary teacher posts in Rajasthan can increase from 31000 to 32000.

State Education Minister Govind Singh Dotasara said two days ago that the Rajasthan Board has been instructed to align the question of Rajasthan’s geography and Rajasthan’s art culture following the guidelines of the NCTE in two respects. The preparation of the common knowledge test in Rajasthan will greatly benefit the youth of the state.

Change in Reit Weight Marks
Now there is a big solution in the weight of marks in the Reit Teacher qualifying exam. In Reit’s final selection, 90 percent will be based on the exam, while the degree score will be reduced to 10 percent. Previously, RIT was selected based on 70 per cent examination and 30 per cent of graduates. There was a demand to reduce the weight of graduation marks in the long run. Dotasara said, “The wattage system was 70-30 during the previous government. It was amended to 90-10.”

5 to 20 percent of the eligibility scores rest
Earlier on Thursday, the Department of Education announced discounts on the Reit Teacher Eligibility Test for the various departments. Many classes were exempted from eligibility scores. According to the order, the reserved categories will get a discount of 5 to 20 percent of the eligibility points. The minimum pass scores for the various categories in REET are set as follows.


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