Captain Miller Movie 2023 is an upcoming Tamil Action Drama starter Dhanush, Priyanka Mohan, Sundeep Kishan, Sumesh Moor and more. This movie is Produced by Sendhil Thyagarajan and Arjun Thyagarajan and directed by Arun Matheswaran. Captain Miller Movie will release on Summer 2023.
Captain Miller Movie Details Overview
Movie Name | Captain Miller |
Movie Language | Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi |
Producer | Sendhil Thyagarajan and Arjun Thyagarajan |
Director | Arun Matheswaran |
Release date | Summer 2023 |
Genre | Action Drama |
Cast | Dhanush, Priyanka Mohan, Sundeep Kishan, Sumesh Moor |
Music | GV Prakash |
Cinematographer | Shreyaas Krishna |
Box Office Collection | TBA |
Editor | Nagooran |
Production Company | Sathya Jothi Films |
Run Time | TBA |
Review | TBA |
Rating | TBA |
Captain Miller Movie Photos
Captain Miller Movie Cast
Here is the complete cast of Captain Miller Tamil Movie.
Role | Real Name |
Actor | Dhanush |
TBA | Priyanka Mohan |
TBA | Sundeep Kishan |
TBA | Nivedhithaa Sathish |
TBA | Sumesh Moor |
TBA | John Kokken |
Release Date
Movie Name | Captain Miller (2023) |
OTT Release Date | 2023 (Expected) |
OTT Platform | ZEE5 |
Resolutions | SD (480p), HD (720p), Full HD (1080p) |
Languages | Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi (English Subtitles) |
Release Date on Theatre | TBA |
Captain Miller First Look
Here is the Trailer of Captain Miller Tamil movie.
We will update you when Songs will available to the public.
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