Getting car insurance not just places you appropriately in the eyes of the law, but protects you and your vehicle from any costs resulting from damage to your car. While choosing a vehicle insurance plan, however, you must consider your distinctive needs. The goal of you getting a good policy is that it should suit you and your vehicle’s requirements. Car insurance companies in India, like Bajaj Allianz and Acko, have great plans for vehicles. Furthermore, it is essential to know what you should do if the requirement for filing a claim crops up.
What to Do While Filing Claims
The best car insurance company in India is probably the one which gives you what you are looking for in terms of premiums and the coverage according to the given insurance plan. It’s vital to know that ‘best’ is what suits you specifically. Having said that, everyone should study and compare car insurance policies before you signed on the dotted line to choose your own. Nonetheless, while filing a claim, should you need to, there are some things to note down that you should do:
- Make sure you hold a valid licence and registration before you file a claim.
- Lodge an FIR or a first information report at a police station just after the occurrence of an accident or any other road mishap. This is mandatory and will be used by the insurer when they process your car insurance claim.
- Once the FIR is filed, you must call your insurer without delay. The claim process goes faster and easier if you don’t waste time in informing insurers. Car insurance companies in India give claimants a window of a day to two days to file claims.
- It’s a good idea to take photographs of an accident scene involving your car. This makes the damages of your car crystal clear. The same should be done if you have incurred damages, or a third party or property has been damaged too. This will prevent any queries that are likely to come up.
- Scan your policy documents thoroughly. You should find out whether your current accident situation is covered by it and what inclusions and exclusions may apply to your claim.
- If your policy has the condition of a cashless claim, expenses will be taken care of directly by your insurer. However, as regards an reimbursement claim, you have to gather all original bills/receipts regarding work done on your car, as well as any treatment you have experienced.
What Not to Do While Filing Claims
The Motor Vehicle Act clearly states that having a car insurance policy is mandatory, especially to avoid any future mishaps or financial distress from occurring. However, having an insurance is necessary but knowing crux of what one must avoid doing is crucial. You may think you have a plan with the best car insurance company in India, but there are specific things you should not do while filing a claim, as these can spoil your chances of reimbursement:
- Whatever you do, do not run away from the scene of the accident, or move your car away from another party’s vehicle.
- It’s not a good idea to engage in an informal settlement with a third party.
- Do not forget to file an FIR with the police.
- It’s important that you avoid driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs, otherwise you will have no grounds for filing claims.
Car Insurance – A Must
Vehicle insurance is a must if you wish to be officially compliant as well as safeguard you and your vehicle. You can get the best plans online from brands like Acko Car Insurance and Bajaj Allianz Car Insurance. It is better to rely on credible online information such as TFI Global News to learn more about details related to any insurance policy.