Gajapade Palace Entrance, Corrugated Dasara Activity – Indian News Live

Source: UNI

Mysore: Elephants have entered the palace courtyard on Friday, led by Captain Abhimanyu, who will be participating in the world famous Dasara Mahotsav.

The reception will be held at Dhanur Lagna from 12.18 pm to 12.40 pm and the District Retired Minister ST Somashekhar has requested a traditional reception at the Palace Jayamartanda Gate.

Along with this, Dasara activities in the cultural city are slowly getting underway. The Gajapade who was participating in the Jambuswari, the main attraction of Nadabha Dasara, was ceremonially driven to the entrance of Nagarahole National Park in Veeranohasahalli, Hunsur Taluk.


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