In the wake of rising COVID-19 cases, the makers of Bigg Boss Kannada Season 8 have decided to pull the plug on the show. The reality show hosted by Kiccha Sudeepa is still in competition with eight contestants. The Bigg Boss Kannada 8 broadcast channel took to their social media pages and released a statement about it. This statement was written by Colors Kannada Business Head Parameshwar Gundkal. Also Read Bigg Boss Kannada 8 Divya Uruduga Voice Message to Contestants
It’s been 71 days since Bigg Boss Season 8 started. When I stand at the PCR and watch 11 contestants around the house, many mixed emotions come to my mind. Everyone in the house is happy. We’re calling everyone out tomorrow. Then arrange to send them and the team home safely. ” Also Read Bigg Boss Kannada 8 Contestants learn about the sudden end of the show due to an epidemic
This year’s Bigg Boss Kannada Season 8 seems to have not gone as planned, with the show makers canceling it due to a lockdown in Karnataka. They are making arrangements for the contestants to get to their homes safely. Currently, they are now housed in the hotel until the final episode. Also read Chakravarthy Chandrachud is upset after receiving the ‘Blade Raja’ award in Bigg Boss Kannada 8
The show makers are being told that they won’t be going to the competitors for the remaining four weeks because they are no longer at home. The makers are also planning to do the same with host Sudeep. Colors Kannada may have a pay cut. He is likely to suffer a huge loss for having suddenly suspended the show. Also read Bigg Boss Kannada 8 No Women Captaincy this Entire Season!