National Fun Day: As soon as the rainy season begins, many health-related problems start to hurt the person. During this season, the moisture in the environment causes bacteria to become more active. Infectious diseases are highly developed and spread rapidly during rainy days. To avoid these ailments, special attention should be given not only to swachhthaya but also to food and beverages. In such a situation, if you ever get wet in rain water, drink cinnamon and ginger tea to protect yourself from illness. This tea protects against many diseases and reduces the risk of cough and cold. Tell us how this tea is made.
How to make cinnamon and ginger tea
To make this tea, boil 1/2 tbsp dried ginger powder and 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder in 1 glass of water and boil well. When the water is half, then turn off the gas and consume it. If you don’t have cinnamon and ginger (ginger and cinnamon tea benefits) powder, you can also use fresh ginger and half inch lentils. In addition to consuming energy, it also reduces the risk of diseases.
Benefits of drinking cinnamon and ginger tea
Drinking this tea every morning on an empty stomach and after dinner helps a person burn calories. Not only that, but it also helps to reduce weight, in addition to improving body metabolism.
This tea is considered very beneficial for removing periods of pain. It helps to relieve cramps by reducing inflammation.
This tea eliminates the problem of indigestion by balancing stomach acid.
This natural drink helps to cure diabetes symptoms by regulating blood sugar levels in the body.
This herbal tea cleanses the body from the inside out. That is, detoxifying the body. This will keep your body healthy.