Redmi has released its first laptop series RedmiBook in India today. Under this series, the company has introduced two laptops – the RedMicbook 15 Pro and the RedMicbook 15 E-Learning Edition. Both laptops have 11th generation Intel Core processors. The Redmibook 15 e-learning version has a starting price of Rs 41,999. The company is offering a quick discount of Rs 2500 on this laptop. For a discount, you must pay with an HDFC Bank Card.
On the other hand, the RedmiBook 15 Pro costs 49,999 and can be purchased under HDFC Bank Offer with a quick discount of Rs 3500. The sale of the RedMiB 15 series starts at 12 noon on August 6th. Except for Flipkart, they can be purchased from and mi home store.
Features and Specifications of RedmiBook 15 Pro
This laptop has a 15.6-inch LCD panel with 1920×1080 pixel resolution. The 11th generation Intel Core i5-11300H CPU is powered by 8 GB DDR 3200 Mhz RAM on this laptop. For better graphics, the company is offering Intel Irix X on this laptop. The laptop comes with 512 GB SSD. Speaking of OS, this laptop runs on Windows 10 Home and is offering MS Office Home and Student Edition 2019 and Me SmartShare.
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The laptop offers 10 hours of battery life and comes with 65W fast charging support. Equipped with HD webcam, this laptop has 2W stereo output speakers for strong sound, supporting DTS audio technology. The keyboard provided on the laptop is also very good and it comes with a large trackpad. For connectivity, the laptop has dual-band Wi-Fi 5, Bluetooth 5.0, two USB 3.2 ports, USB 2.0 port, HDMI slot, Ethernet port, SD card reader and 3.5mm headphone jack.
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Redmbook 15 E-Learning Edition
On this laptop, the company is offering the 11th generation Intel Core i3-1115G4 processor. The laptop comes with 8GB DDR4 3200Mhz RAM. The company has released a laptop with 256 GB and 512 GB SSD options. The laptop will also get a 15.6-inch screen. As for the OS, it works on Windows 10 Home.