Shaadi Mubarak 1 November 2020 Written Episode : Chanda and Rati’s plane failed

Shaadi Mubarak 1 November 2020 Written Episode : Chanda and Rati’s plane failed

At the beginning of the episode, KT is shocked to hear Rathi. Katie also learns that KT has listened to her, and that she thinks her flight will fail if love is good or not. KT hurried toward love. KT reaches love, but Tia takes him to dance with him, and drinks a love cocktail.

KT approaches her and asks if he drank all the drinks. Love says yes because it is a delicious mocktail. Love also suffers from dizziness. K.T. He tells her to take the juice and drink it for her. Love refused. Katie tells Rathi and Chanda about their flight and says she gave him alcohol.

Love says, but she does not drink the drink that KT gave her. She says Ahern’s father drank the drink. Aryan’s father gets drunk and starts doing strange things. Aryan makes love for it because his father does not drink on Thursday, and because of her negligence he did so. He snatches the contract from him. But Aryan’s father stops Aryan from doing so and he drinks his ichvai and asks Aryan to apologize to him. Aryan does the same and makes a deal.

Knowing this, Chanda and Rati are feeling burned out and are about to leave, but KT sends some guards. Chanda does not agree to go with him, but then she has to go. Next, K.T. He tells Chanda that he is jealous of her love, so she does such acts. Chanda says why she is jealous of love. They say love is a pity for them, their own family is not with them.

It is a bad feeling to love hearing all these things. She tells Chanda not to talk about the family as there are rites associated with the family, which is not her. KT asks Chanda to apologize. But Chanda has denied this. KT threatened to call the police. Rati is horrified and asks Chanda to apologize. Chanda apologizes.

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