Surya’s new film Aakasham Nee Haddura after Bandobast. Air Stumble Founder G.R. The film is based on the life of Ramaswamy. Along with Surya, Mohan Babu will also be seen in a pivotal role. The film is slated to release on May 1 in Telugu, Tamil and other languages. But the release of the film was postponed due to Corona.
Aparna Balamurali is seen as the heroine in this movie produced and acted by Surya. The film is being directed by Sudha Kongara, a female director who has previously shot Guru with Venkatesh.
It has also been reported that Shahid Kapoor is remaking the movie in Hindi. It seems that the film will be released on OTT now. This was officially announced by Surya.
The film is set to release as a digital premiere on iconic streaming company Amazon Prime. Surya made this statement on the occasion of Vinayaka Chavati. However, it must be said that this was an unexpected surprise. The movie Aakasham Nee Haddura will be streaming on October 30.
However, it remains to be seen whether only the Tamil version will be streamed or two Tamil and Telugu languages. Meanwhile, it has been announced that Surya is making a movie called Vadivasal under the direction of Vetrimaran as a birthday present.