Home INL Desk To remove sun tan, apply this special oil on the skin, which works like a sunscreen

To remove sun tan, apply this special oil on the skin, which works like a sunscreen


Removal of Sun ton oils: To protect the skin from sun tan, doctors recommend sunscreen on the face before leaving the home. Despite this, many people refrain from applying it because of its expensive or sticky skin. If you are ever looking for a natural sunscreen to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays, try these natural oils that work as a sunscreen.

Sesame oil
Sesame oil naturally protects the skin from the sun’s harmful rays. To avoid sun tan, apply this oil as a sunscreen on your skin before going to the sun. Vitamin E in this oil protects your skin from UV rays and polluted air.

Coconut oil
The use of coconut oil on the skin helps protect against UV rays. In addition to nourishing the skin, it helps to soften, soften and reduce inflammation.

Tea tree oil
Apply tea tree oil as a sunscreen on your skin before going sunburned. It has anti-inflammatory properties and helps protect against skin rashes, itching, acne and bacteria and protects against UV rays.

Almonds and olive oil
Almonds and olive oil help protect the skin from UV rays. For best results, mix almonds and olive oil, coconut water and beeswax in a glass bowl. Place this bowl in lukewarm water and mix some zinc oxide in it. Use this homemade sunscreen before going out in the sun.

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