Bigg Boss Tamil’s 4th season is nearing its end and we will witness the Grand Finale in two more weeks. In a previously released promo for today (January 3), Balaji becomes emotional and realizes his guilt during an argument with Aari. Balaji apologized for his actions and admitted that this kind of livelihood was too new for him.
Kamal Haasan praised Balaji for confessing and realizing his mistake and the promo was well received. However, we still have to wait a few days to find out how the audience will accept Balaji’s actions. Vijay TV has just released the second promo for tonight’s episode and in this promo, we see each contestant talking about the other contestants at home.
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It seems that eight housemates have been given the task of selecting a card with the image of another contestant. Soma Shekhar gets Ajid’s card and says he is not sure whether Azid has a strategy for approaching the game in the next few days. This aspect is quite believable as we have not seen any interesting tricks from young talent over the last 90 days.
Ari gets Ramya’s card and when asked to talk about Ramya’s strategy, Ari goes back to the ‘Caller Task’ and describes an incident. However, the show’s host Kamal Haasan stops Ari and tells him that the matter is going elsewhere and asks him to stick to talking about Rama’s strategy.
After hearing Kamal Haasan’s response to Aari’s speech, Rama appears to be smiling. By the end of the promo, Balaji can be seen with Arya’s card, and nothing could be more interesting, as we already know about the events between the two. We have to watch the full episode to know what Balaji has said about Aari.
Meanwhile, tonight’s episode also reveals the results of this week’s eviction. Five of them were nominated this week – Aajeedh, Gabriella, Ramya Pandian, Shivani Narayanan, and Som Shaker. Gabriella was saved in last night’s episode and the remaining four are currently in the danger zone.
Also Read Bigg Boss Tamil 4 Today Written Update: Kamal Haasan scolds Balaji, calls Ramya biased
It has been said that Aajeedh has been evicted from his home and we are getting official confirmation through serialization. For now, check out the newly released promo of Bigg Boss 4 Tamil: