Karthika Deepam Written Episode 23 October 2020: Soundrya Asks Hima

Hello, all entertainment lover, we all know that Karthik Deepam is giving you a satisfying amount of entertainment with its immense voltage drama. The best thing about the show is that everyone knows how to channel the drama with the story. The sheer amount of drama takes the show’s engagement to the next level. This is considered one of the main reasons behind this huge success of the show. The second major reason for the show’s triumph is the outstanding performance of its main protagonists.

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Well, now we see in the latest episode of the show Karthik says that he is the only culprit of his daughter, because he did not know for a long time that Saundria was his daughter. When asked by Soundri’s Hima, don’t try to imagine other things if you are telling each other individually. Kartik says he blames him for all the wrong deeds. He says he is afraid to deal with Hima. Kartik’s irritating behavior makes Saundriya cry.

Later, Suriya and Hima saw the pictures of Kartik and Deepa and remembered knowing that Hima was his brother. Hima says that a day ago I was thinking that he had nothing to do with her but today he will know that they are family members. Suriya interrupts Hima not to speak in such a tone. When there is no question about the reason for this being the daughter of Doctor Babu, Hima asks Soundarya. Saundri replies that you too are his daughter. Hima further asks why he never got the feeling that Karthik would never feel like his father. Suriya says he has no answer.

Hima again listens to something she does not think to hear, and as Suriya says on this, Doctor Babu should keep her words in mind as a lover. She says it hurts him when he acts rude to her. Surya speaks with her mind as to why Hima is haunting her as her twin. Hima again tells her that she needs an answer, Surya replies that she will not take him as an outsider. Deepa is all set to leave the place with Suriya, but Saundra requests her to leave. Meanwhile, Karthik comes and says that the time has come for Deepa to leave. Stay tuned with Social Broadcast for more information and all the latest episode updates by Kartik Deepam.

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