Parenting Tips: Kids are stubborn and irritable at home, expert advice for parents

Care in Infectious Disease: Due to the corona epidemic, children are spending most of their time at home. From online classes to chatting with friends and games, the dependence on their phones is increasing. It has a direct impact on the physical, mental and emotional well-being of children. This is because children are beginning to live with anger, sadness and embarrassment.

Dr. Chandni Tughnite, MD (AM) Psychotherapist, (Life Alchemist, Coach & Healer, Founder and Director, Gateway of Healing) Locking at home and spending too much time on the phone, children are experiencing problems with impaired learning, emotional problems, poor home environment, anxiety, depression, mind fatigue, lack of sleep, irritability, and so on. In such a situation, it is normal for parents to worry. If you are worried about your child’s behavior, keep these things in mind.

If you’re having trouble with child behavior, follow these tips –
Listen to the children

If the child is doing something wrong or wrong, instead of scolding or beating him, listen carefully, explain to him, and tell him the right way to do the job. If you shout at a child or beat him up for his mistake, instead of learning anything, the child will start to fear you, hide things from you and make you feel small.

Balanced Diet –
Take care of children’s food. Give children nutritious food by reducing junk food. It improves children’s sleep, behavior, mental balance and physical development. Include some things (almonds, fruits, green vegetables, etc.) in your diet that will help your child’s mental development.

Remove stress from children
There may be stress in children’s lives, such as study, friends or sports. Even though this pressure is too short for us, children’s lives revolve around these things. In such a situation, understand the stress of children. Also, focus their attention on the other side. Talk to them, pay attention to them, support them and give them an atmosphere where they can speak your heart to you without fear.

Praise children –
It is important to praise children. Doing this will boost their confidence and motivate them to move forward in life. It is the parents’ responsibility to praise their children in small matters and motivate them to move forward. Doing this will direct their attention in the right direction.

Limit the use of social media to children
Nowadays, most of the time children are devoted to technology – study, sports, entertainment, talking with friends, social media, etc. In such a situation, parents may need to limit the use of technology to their children. Teach them the importance of good habits without jeopardizing their physical, psychological and emotional consequences.

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